
04.15(Thu) 10:30-11:10 RoomKB


Comprehensive security measures on an integrated platform that realizes SASE and CNAPP

*Japanese only

Presented byMcAfee, LLC

Cloud-Native threats that have become evident as the transition to the cloud environment at a speed beyond our imagination due to the promotion of DX and the COVID-19 pandemic. What is the optimal solution for cloud security measures that realize multiple new concepts such as the SASE framework and CNAPP in the middle of such rapid changes?
In this session, we consider the latest cloud threat trends with actual data, the whole picture of SASE and CNAPP, and the security platform that realizes total optimization. This session will make you understand how to proceed with specific security measures to realize these concepts.

  • Security
  • Streaming Services

McAfee LLC

Director Sales Engineering

Hidemitsu Sakurai

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