
06.14(Fri) 12:20-13:00 International Convention Hall A


Security processor is the answer to tomorrow's network security ~ASIC Research and Developer talks about the necessity of security processor in 5G era from IoT to Cloud~

Clear paradigm shift, from general purpose processor to special purpose processor, is occurring aggressively in various industries, in particular, most noticeably in the area of artificial intelligence.
As a network security vendor, Fortinet have continuously invested in special purpose processor for security field called Security Processor for nearly two decades since the establishment of the company.
As the era of 5G approaches, a magnitude of higher performance, such as high bandwidth, low latency and stronger encryptions, will be required for both network and security sectors.
The importance of security processor will become ever significant in coming 5G era, as various “things” include vehicle progressively connect to the Internet.
In this session, as a researcher and developer, I will talk about importance of security processor.


Fortinet, Inc.

Principal ASIC Design Engineer

Masanori Bando, PhD.

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