06.14(Fri) 10:30-11:10 International Convention Hall B

Local/private 5G global status and Huawei’s approach
5G is now globally at commercial phase. This is not only for wide area mobile services but also for dedicated location 5G services. “Local 5G” is being studied for local 5G spectrum license in Japan while the other countries such as UK, Germany are investigating on similar license scheme. From service perspective, there are other use cases than legacy smart phone applications such as fixed access services (FWA) , vertical industry use case (Industry 4.0 in Germany), etc. 3GPP is also making progress on its standardization assuming these new 5G use cases. This session will address the above mentioned global 5G industry status and Huawei’s E2E solutions that support the new use cases.

Huawei Technologies Japan
Carrier Network Business Group
Masao Akata
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